With the engine fully built up the fitting and then engine could be started!
1. Fitting
As the engine was built on the ATV jack it is ready to be installed straight in. The ATV jack and removable valance is the way to go for installing engines. So stable, slick and quick. Especially as I have to work solo.
Engine waiting ready to slide in on the plywood flooring.
There is quite a lot of wiring and cables to and from the ECU and also fuel and accelerator cable
Finally home
A Little tricky to get fitted. Last few inches always tricky to find the right combination of height and angle.
I recalled the great words of wisdom of the late Bob Hoover.........
"If it doesn’t want to go, stop. Take it out. Think about it a while. Check everything over and tackle it again after taking a break. (This time it’ll slide right in and leave you wondering, it was so easy. Veedubs got a sense of humor.)"
After a break and a cup of tea...... Slipped straight in :-)
All home and connected up Wiring and Fuel Lines.
Welcome to your new home!
Quick check of the Accelerator cable movement Fan belt attached, removed spark plugs and filled the oil read for the oil pressure test.
Welcome to your new home!
Not the final oil but okay for first few hundred miles.
Oil Level checked
2. Oil Pressure Test
Following the engine warranty and instructions supplied by the engine. Removal of spark plugs and fuel & HT, turn the engine over on starter motor until oil pressure warning light goes out.
Here is the video proof.
Also timed the time for the light to come back on. First time about 30 seconds. Second Oil pressure test around 78 seconds. Not bad. Seems to be holding pressure.
Quick check for any signs of oil leaks........
All dry and clean
4. First fire!
Checked tappets.
Its odd value of 0.10mm for the tappets but the instructions said to check the push rods for either Steel or aluminium. After checking with a magnet the new engine uses steel push rods so had to go for 0.1mm tappets.
So Tappets set. Oil pressure checked.
First fire up! Took a while for fuel to pump through. Used the 1 seconds prime of fuel pump repeatably to ensure fuel was there.
First fire up! Took a while for fuel to pump through. Used the 1 seconds prime of fuel pump repeatably to ensure fuel was there.
She is alive!
The engine fires up. No leaks and idle and accelerator fine. Yipeeeeee!
Moving on I have to fit the rear valance - Still got to put some paint on it.

All sort and snug and sealed. New Valance is okay.
Valance was filled but the etch primer had eaten a small edge of the filler.
Next job is to refit the bumper - It needs some serious rust and paint work. So much for powder coating